Harvest is an oil and gas products and services trading operator within the downstream sector of the petroleum industry

Since its founding, Harvest has built a diverse range of products stored and distributed through a far-reaching network powered by technology, state-of-the-art infrastructure and exceptional human resources. Serving the sub-Saharan African market beginning with Zambia, we are meeting the demands of a diverse client base through our core business of importing, exporting, marketing and distribution of refined petroleum products.

Our bold and ambitious vision to be sub-Saharan Africa’s leading player in the full-range products and services core of the petroleum downstream sector has continued to drive our growth efforts.

Our retail stations are more than a filling station; they are a hub. In Zambia alone, we are on course to meeting our target of commissioning a total of about 40 retail outlets by year end, 2023.

In keeping with our goal of bringing our JÁRÁ retail stations as close as possible to the people in different communities, we continue to build and launch more retail outlets where our clients don’t just buy petroleum products, but have the service options of a fitness centre, bubble wash and other attractions.

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Located at 21 Miles, Lusaka, the Harvest Energy Village is one of our most ambitious projects yet. When completed, it will be by far one of the most innovative energy value chain projects in sub-Saharan Africa.

Occupying a vast expanse of land, the Harvest Energy Village will essentially be a one-stop shop. It will boast a network of high storage capacity tank farms, a vast and organized parking lot for haulage trucks, state-of-the-art filling stations, a relaxion spot for drivers, supermarkets, bubble washes, fitness centres, restaurants, among other attractions. The Harvest Energy Village will be a hub. A thriving, bustling melting pot that will transform its host community, providing jobs, development and vast opportunities across the energy, hospitality and recreational value chains.

Expanding our haulage fleet is a continuous project for us. To reach our diverse client base spread across sub-Saharan Africa, massive investment in haulage assets is key.

Our recent acquisition of over 200 trucks for the Zambian market is testament to our bold, strategic investment in haulage assets. Sea vessels and other haulage assets are lined up for acquisition based on a plan of continuous acquisition of haulage assets consistent with expansion plans.