About Harvest

At Harvest, we are more than a company; we are a partner for inclusive growth!

Harvest is an oil and gas products and services trading operator within the downstream sector of the petroleum industry. Since its founding, Harvest has built a diverse range of products stored and distributed through a far-reaching network powered by technology, state-of-the-art infrastructure and exceptional human resources.

Serving the sub-Saharan African market beginning with Zambia, we are meeting the demands of a diverse client base through our core business of importing, exporting, marketing and distribution of refined petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, asphalt, lubricants, natural gas and propane. Our bold and ambitious vision to be sub-Saharan Africa’s leading player in the full-range products and services core of the petroleum downstream sector has continued to drive our growth efforts. Our massive investment in storage, distribution and retail infrastructure, international strategic partnerships, and technology are evidence of our commitment to our vision.

To be the most innovative distributor of quality refined petroleum products in Sub-Saharan Africa.

To efficiently serve our customers, to provide returns to our stakeholders and to improve the lives of the people in the communities and countries in which we operate

PEOPLE – People are at the centre of our operations. Our staff are our most valued asset. Our customers are central to why we are in business. The people in the communities where we operate are a collective prized asset that must not be harmed but positively impacted by our operations and social initiatives.

INTEGRITY – To us, everything rises and falls on integrity. Our operations must be based on a philosophy of honesty. Every encounter with any aspect of our business must leave the other party confident of receiving reliable and just return for their commitments. This philosophy also, crucially, extends to our responsibility to the state.

INCLUSION – We believe in diversity and equal opportunity. Everyone in society deserves an opportunity to showcase their God-given abilities. We are committed to gender equality, disability rights, and bridging opportunity gaps for all of society’s disadvantaged. We are intentional about this, creating and implementing policies that advance this value.

EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE – For us, excellence is non-negotiable. All our customers must experience excellence at whatever level they relate with us. Excellence in built into the Harvest Energy DNA.

SUSTAINABILITY – Our sustainability commitment is three-pronged, reflecting our major aspirations. They are: Economic Sustainability, Social Sustainability; Environmental Sustainability. For us, ensuring a balance between profit, people and environment is good business.

Our second-to-none integrated infrastructure and assets aspirations have led to the conclusion of plans and commencement of implementation towards the construction of over 40 multi-product, multi-service retail stations in Zambia alone, construction of a one-stop-shop Energy Village housing some of the largest tank farms in the region (a first in many respects), acquisition of a fleet of over 200 trucks and sea vessels, and equipping of a high-level central control centre where the fleet of trucks and other Harvest assets are tracked and coordinated. With our strategic investments, not only is our last mile retail business on sure footing, but our shipping, haulage/distribution and tank farm storage facilities as well.

We are committed to strengthening and expanding our strong partnerships, leveraging on valuable relationships to impact consumers, the economy and society at large. As a company, we are closely guided, not just by our responsibility to our shareholders and customers, but to the environment and to society. Thus, our HSE commitment is deep, undergirding a sustainability strategy that is in tune with global best practices. Our commitment to contributing to the growth of society apart from our economic activities, is well captured in our ‘Beyond Commerce’ strategy which seeks to uplift society’s underserved through impactful social initiatives. Harvest Foundation, our sister non-profit, is the central vehicle for operationalizing our ‘Beyond Commerce’ strategy.

We are committed to strengthening and expanding our strong partnerships, leveraging on valuable relationships to impact consumers, the economy and society at large.

Our Products

We adopt a proactive and adaptive marketing model and are developing new trading capabilities to better meet the growing demand for oil, gas and refined products in Zambia.

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Our Sustainability Strategy

Our 2030 Sustainability Strategy set out how we continue to ensure sustainable operations and practices across the businesses, communities, and environments in which we operate.