Jet Fuel

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Jet Fuel

Our jet/aviation turbine fuel helps power the engines of aircraft. We supply Jet A and Jet A-1 fuels produced to international specification

What you need tonknow about JET A-1 ?

JET A-1 is a kerosene-type fuel. It is compatible with most jet aircraft, both civil and military, helicopter turbine engines, turboprops and compression-ignition piston engines.

It has a boiling point of 150°C-250°C, a flashpoint over 38.0ºC (100ºF) and a maximum melting point of -47.0ºC.

This fuel is of sufficient quality to meet strict international standards, such as the latest issues to date of the British standard DEF STAN 91-091, the American standard ASTM D1655 and NATO’s F-35 specification.

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