
Sustainability is at the heart of the Harvest philosophy. Our sustainability commitment is captured in the Harvest Sustainability Pledge, and affects all our businesses. It is broken down into three categories as follows:

Economic Sustainability

We believe we owe our stakeholders, clients and the economy a healthy, thriving, growing, and longstanding viable business. In order to continue to provide employment opportunities, facilitate supply-demand exchange, trigger economic growth through sustained consumer spending, pay taxes, contribute to the growth of our industry and economically advance the ecosystem in which we operate, we need to take steps that would preserve our status as a thriving business. This is crucial for us.

Social Sustainability

The people and the communities in which we operate matter to us. We believe that a strategy of social intervention is good business. A happy, socio-economically empowered people create a healthy business climate. Our social sustainability strategy is based on our ‘Beyond Commerce’ plan. This plan prioritizes social transformation as a conscious, intentional intervention effort, not merely as a remote outcome of corporate economic activities. We believe investing in the people and in the communities where we operate is good business. This is more so because we are a company committed to lasting social impact through targeted policies that bridge opportunity gaps, promote inclusion, and advance social justice.

Environmental Sustainability

Our environmental sustainability pledge is anchored on our commitment to responsible use of the environment and its resources through consistent adherence to global-standard HSE measures.
We are also committed to obeying environmental laws and guidelines that keep our people and communities safe, and preserve for us all a future of resource availability. Our pledge is inspired by our contention that poor environmental management strips us of a future of resource availability.
As a company, we are committed to advancing energy technology that will see us rely less and less on fossil fuels, creating a future of abundance of environment-friendly energy sources. This is why our investment in a rich energy mix featuring renewable energy sources is key to this vision of clean energy.

Social Impact

Our philosophy of creating massive social impact through intentional social intervention is key to our operations.
At Harvest, we believe that our priorities do not end with economic obligations as a corporation. They extend well beyond economics to a preoccupation of making society better, using profits generated from the business.
To ensure a structure and sustainable social intervention, we have channelled our social intervention obligations through Harvest Foundation, a not-for-profit vehicle dedicated solely to social intervention. Areas of priority for us include promoting inclusion, bridging opportunity gaps, empowering society’s vulnerable like children, women and girls, and connecting disadvantaged and underserved individuals and communities to opportunities through enlightenment, education, training, and strategic engagement. Through the Harvest Foundation, we are transforming lives, one community at a time.